New Hampshire Mayflower Society 

Scholarship Program

The deadline for the NHMS Memorial Scholarship is  

March 29, 2024

About the New Hampshire Mayflower Society Memorial Scholarship Awards

All New Hampshire students and students who are members/related to members of the N.H. Mayflower Society, who are H.S. seniors or college undergraduates, accepted/enrolled in a two or four year college program, may be eligible to apply for a New Hampshire Mayflower Society Memorial Scholarship.  Applicants with an affiliation with the New Hampshire Mayflower Society will be given first consideration for awards.

Two, one thousand dollar ($1000.) awards are currently presented annually.

Applications may be downloaded from this page. All required paperwork must be mailed by the March 29th  deadline to

Mr. Robert A. LaBelle, Scholarship Chair, at the address below.

 The N.H. Mayflower Society is an organization of descendants of the Pilgrims who came on the ship Mayflower in 1620. Focusing on genealogy, scholarship, education, and publishing, the New Hampshire Mayflower Society is a 501C3 charitable organization.

For more information, please contact:

Robert A. LaBelle

NH Mayflower Scholarship Committee

577 Pine Street, Apt. 1

Manchester, NH   03104

Find us on Facebook under the New Hampshire Mayflower Society

C ongratulations to our 2021  Scholarship Winners!

From left to right:  Adrianna George, scholarship recipient; Amelia Aznice, scholarship recipient; Barbara Francis, scholarship committee member;  Robert LaBelle, scholarship committee chair; and Penny Webster, NH Governor.

Congratulations to our four 2019 Scholarship Winners!

These prizes were awarded at the Society's May general meeting.

Pictured from left to right:  Heather Rojo, NH Mayflower Society Governor,  Lars Grotenhuis, Connor Jackson, Rebecca Masison, Emma Dailey and Penny Webster, NH Mayflower Society Scholarship Committee member

Congratulations to our five 2018 Scholarship Winners!

These prizes were awarded at the Society's May general meeting.

Pictured from left to right:  Heather Rojo, NH Mayflower Society Governor, Julia Dubisz, attending for scholarship winner Michael Dubisz, scholarship winners Orrin Bliss, Adam LaBelle and Grace Johnson, scholarship committee chair Dr. Lewis Overaker and scholarship winner Matthew True.

Scholarship winner Ryan Strickland with parents Tim and Karin Strickland accompanied by Scholarship committee chair Dr. Lewis Overaker and Governor Richard H. Tivey.

Congratulations to our two 2017 Scholarship Winners!

Scholarship winner Samuel Brown accompanied by family members Kathleen Soukup and Sandra Stockus with Scholarship committee chair Dr. Lewis Overaker and Governor Richard H. Tivey.

Photos provided courtesy of Priscilla Thiberge.

Congratulations to our two 2016 Scholarship Winners!

Emily Shaw, Scholarship Recipient with Dr. Lewis  Overaker and Governor Richard H. Tivey.

Emily Curry, Scholarship Recipient with Dr. Lewis. Overaker and Governor Richard H. Tivey

2015 Scholarship Winners

Rebecca Shaw of Amherst, NH and Kate-Lynn George of Pittsfield, ME

NHMSD Scholarship Committee Chair Lew Overaker and NHMSD Governor Richard H. Tivey are pictured with them.

2014 Scholarship Winners

There were two scholarship winners at the 2014 May luncheon of the New Hampshire Society- Alexandra Bubar of Nashua, and Aurelia Blackstock of Wolfboro.  In the foreground is John Payzant and joining the New Hampshire scholarship winners is Bruce Campbell MacGuinnigle, Governor General.

2013 Scholarship Winners

Penny Webster, Elder, John Payzant, Governor with Mayflower Scholarship winner Ginnelle Testa and a friend at the Scholarship luncheon in Concord, NH at the Holiday Inn

Scholarship Winner

Penny Webster with Mayflower Scholarship winner Elizabeth Conway and her Dad along with winner Ryan Simard who is accompanied by his parents.

Scholarship winner Lauren Donahue with her family.

2012 Scholarship Luncheon at Newick's Seafood Restaurant in Dover, with Governor Payzant, Roger Wayne Weeks, Lisa Demaine, Julia Moy, Thomas Masison and Scholarship Chair Heather Rojo

The 2011 Memorial Scholarship winners Alexandra Conway, Katelyn Shaw, Kyle Donahue and Erica LeBlanc pose with Deputy Governor John Payzant, Governor Dean Dexter and Scholarship chair Heather Rojo

The 2010 Memorial Scholarship winners, posing with Scholarship Chair Heather Rojo and Society Governor Dean Dexter at the Wentworth-by-the-Sea Country Club: Thomas Sweeney, Amanda Shaw, Ally (Alexandra) Balkus, and Evan Masison.



Abigail Connor, a history major at the University of New Hampshire with retired UNH History Professor Dr. Charles E. Clarke, luncheon speaker. 

2009 New Hampshire Mayflower Scholarship winners, awarded at the Spring Luncheon at The Red Blazer Restaurant, Concord.

Above: Mrs. Star Smith accepts the award for her grandson, Peter Smith, Drew University, who could not be present. Also pictured are Society Treasurer Bob Small, holding Peter's photo, Society Governor Dean Dexter, and Heather Rojo, scholarship committee chair.

New Hampshire Mayflower Society life member Carlyn Mehaffey-Coy of Richmond, N.H., seen above with her parents and escorts, is descended from Mayflower passenger John Howland. She is a recipient of a 2008 New Hampshire Society Memorial Scholarship award, and was presented by her father Robert Coy, also a life member, at the New York Society’s 56th Annual Debutante Ball at Manhattan’s University Club on November 6, 2009. 

New Hampshire Society Scholarship Winner is Presented at 56th Annual Mayflower Debutante Ball in New York City

Seven debutantes from and majoring in Visual Studies with a minor in Consumer Psychology  the United States of descent from a Mayflower passenger, were presented at the gala event, the New York Society’s main fundraiser for its scholarship program. Carlyn is a graduate of Northfield Mount Hermon School and is presently a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania, .  

Pictured are the 2008 Memorial Scholarship winners, posing with Society Governor Walworth Johnson,Jr: Seated are students Catalina Rojo and Monica Tivey. Standing is Robert Coy, representing his daughter Carlyn Coy and Mrs. Constance Snow Klefos, holding a photo of her granddaughter Katelyn Klefos, both of whom were unable to attend.

Winners of the 2007 Memorial Scholarship were Joseph Vittum (in photo held by his grandmother Shirley Vittum),Kelly O'Halloran, and Marissa Hancock-Huttel, pictured with Society Scholarship Chair Dean Dexter and Society Governor Walworth Johnson, Jr.

2006 Memorial Scholarship Awards: making the presentations, at the Spring Luncheon held at Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant, Meredith, are Scholarship Committee Chair Dean Dexter and Society Governor Walworth Johnson, Jr. Recipients are Kelsy Traeger, Then a junior majoring in anthropology at the University of Montana, and Samantha Bonin, a sophomore at Marquette University, majoring in nursing and pre-physical therapy. Both residents of Sandown, NH.

2005 Scholarship recipients: Elizabeth Clymer of Concord, Hillsdale College, and Stephen Howell Petraeus, MIT. No photographs available at this time.

2004 Scholarship recipient: Brain Allard of Nashua receives the first scholarship award from Governor Carlton Bradford under the Society's reconstituted award program. The presentation was made at the spring luncheon on May 15th at the Chateau Restaurant, Manchester.